
Tachileik Ba Yin Naung yin pyin ( Square )

President U Thein Sein visits Kengtung Cultural Museum, Loimwe hill station | Myanmar President Off

President U Thein Sein visits Kengtung Cultural Museum, Loimwe hill station | Myanmar President Off
President U Thain Sein visits Kengtung Cultural Museum 7 May2015

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Tachileik is in the north east of Myanmar ( Burma ) town. Located in Lat. 20.448 N 20 26' 51"N Long. 99.881E 99 52' 51" E. It was under North Eastern Shan State and also border to Thailand city Maesai.

Both of them are tourism cities and famous with the local marketing and shopping business area.
2015 around December Asean  AEC will establish and both city will stand for one of the most important friendship Asean door.

Middle of the friendship bridge toward Myanmar Immigration and Custom office building.

View from Thailand
Middle of the bridge to the Maesai river view, which was belong to Thailand and Myanmar.
Under the bridge was viewing from Thailand.

Thai Immigration and Custom office building.

MYANMAR FLAG         ...................................................          THAILAND FLAG 
Tachileik sky map


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