
Tachileik Ba Yin Naung yin pyin ( Square )

President U Thein Sein visits Kengtung Cultural Museum, Loimwe hill station | Myanmar President Off

President U Thein Sein visits Kengtung Cultural Museum, Loimwe hill station | Myanmar President Off
President U Thain Sein visits Kengtung Cultural Museum 7 May2015

Saturday, November 15, 2014

15/11/14 Big cleaning day

Today November 15 Weekly Big Cleaning Day in Tachileik

U Tin Win Shwe (Tachileik District Head )
U Tun Tun Win ( Tachileik Township Head )

are leading the Weekly Big Cleaning with
Township municipal committee members,
District and township women association,
Health care department officer and staff,
Township fire department,
Redcross department,
Village head,
Pyi Khain Phyo (Social Net Work),
Shan  Democratic Party ( White Tiger ) members,
Myit Tar Shin ( Social net work ) leaders and members,
Township Taxi members,
Myit Zi Ma ( social net work ),
General hospital officer and staff,
BEHS Tachileik Teachers and students are carried out the WEEKLY BIG CLEANING day work at the hospital compound and around.


photos credit to ::: http://Tachileik.net

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