
Tachileik Ba Yin Naung yin pyin ( Square )

President U Thein Sein visits Kengtung Cultural Museum, Loimwe hill station | Myanmar President Off

President U Thein Sein visits Kengtung Cultural Museum, Loimwe hill station | Myanmar President Off
President U Thain Sein visits Kengtung Cultural Museum 7 May2015

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Health Care Service

Tachileik 10 January 2015

Tachleik District General Hospital a group of specialist doctors are travelling to long distance area and providing monthly special health care service to all the needy villagers.
This service was started since last 2 years ago and they be will continuing the same in this 2015 too.

Today Saturday 10 January 2015, in this special medical team, Tachileik township mayor U Tun Tun Win, Women and Child Care Department head, and District Health Care Department dr. Myo Min are travelling together to Tarlay- Naryoung village.

Disrict Women and Child Care Department Head Daw Win Win Thant, township Women and Child Care Department Head dr. Aye Thandar Kyaw and groups are giving health care education and contributing healthy food items to the villagers.


Information and photos credit to::: tachileik.net ( Ko Zaung / ch.editor )

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