
Tachileik Ba Yin Naung yin pyin ( Square )

President U Thein Sein visits Kengtung Cultural Museum, Loimwe hill station | Myanmar President Off

President U Thein Sein visits Kengtung Cultural Museum, Loimwe hill station | Myanmar President Off
President U Thain Sein visits Kengtung Cultural Museum 7 May2015

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Myanmar's 67th Indenpendence Day

Myanmar's 67th Independence Day was celebrating today in many place all over the country.

These pictures are from Tachileik Town located in Eastern Shan State, next to Maesai Thailand.

District Mayor given speech in 67th Independence Day

Township's Authority and MP have seen participating in the celebration.

 pictures credit to : Mr. Ko Zaung ( Ch/Editor / tachileik.net )

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