
Tachileik Ba Yin Naung yin pyin ( Square )

President U Thein Sein visits Kengtung Cultural Museum, Loimwe hill station | Myanmar President Off

President U Thein Sein visits Kengtung Cultural Museum, Loimwe hill station | Myanmar President Off
President U Thain Sein visits Kengtung Cultural Museum 7 May2015

Friday, January 16, 2015

Tachileik Hsan Hsai BEHS

Today, Saturday, 17 2015 (( Tachileik school ))

Good news from Tachileik Hsan Hsai Basic Educational High School  2014 ~ 2015 Academic year OUTSTANDING AWARD to students today.

Today special celebration guest of honor township educational department head U Sein Tun Hla, assistant township education department head U Hla Win Myint, Shwe Mahar private school principal U Khin Maung Myint, with other many distinguished guest are present and support the new development in Tachileik township education.

During the event student's entertainment with variety music and culture show to all participants.

In Myanmar newly re-born Boy Scouts and Girl Guides performing on the event stage are remarkable and can say one of the development in educational history to make the students happiness.

Also school offer typical Myanmar foods for lunch break.

Information and photos credit to :::
                 Teacher S.S. Yay   &  U Myint Win Hla ( Asst. Township Ed. Head )                                  

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